Technology today is fast moving, as are the people who use it.  You have 3-5 seconds to catch a person’s attention when they visit your website.  If you fail, they are moving onto your competitor’s site.

Starting today, I am posting some ideas and pointers on what you should be doing with your website on a regular basis.

User Experience…how many times do you visit a website and have challenges finding the information you need? I know that happens to me on a regular basis…

This regularly happens with small businesses that utilize website builders such as Wix or Squarespace. They give the non techie person a chance to create something that looks good. Without the underlying knowledge of what works better for a person browsing the site, the user experience becomes null and void.

If you have used a website builder to create your site, take another look at it from the customers viewpoint. What do they typically ask you as a new customer if they call in? This is some of the of information you want to have readily available on your home page.

Reviewing your Website – Is your website responsive?

What is the meaning of responsive? Basically, it is when your website looks great on a desktop, laptop, tablet and cellphone.

Websites that carry a lot of text on the home page look terrible on cellphones. They are difficult to read and annoying as you have to keep on moving around on the screen to read the text.

Websites that just have images are boring to look at on cellphones…a lot of times the image takes up the whole screen and there is no text to make you want to read further.

Sadly, your workload for the review of your website has now tripled as you need to review on all devices. Here are the pointers just on how the website looks overall and feels:

1. Loads super-fast even with slow connections
2. Accessible menu and easy to navigate
3. A quick glance gives the viewer the main 411
4. It has to be memorable (for good reasons)!
5. Easily readable text
6. Flexible layout
7. Only need to scroll up and down

Messaging. When you land on your website home page, do you know instantly what your company does?

If you don’t I bet that the person visiting your website does not either! The content on your website HAS to be communicating the right message!!!

What I typically do is look at competitor’s websites. If they are a company that you know is doing well, see what is on your website that you are missing.

Gone are the days when being mysterious will gather interest!  People for the most part are now in too much of a hurry to be spending time investigating your company.

Visit the blog tomorrow to get more tasks that you need to complete to make sure your website is capturing the interest of the person visiting!


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