Logo Portfolio & Design Packages | Making your Logo and Business Stand out in the Crowd!
Below are a variety of logos that our team have worked on recently. You can see that they are all very different. We work closely with our clients to make sure the ideas for the logos we design meet their needs, look professional and incorporate their products and services.
All logos are custom designed for each client. In addition, we have different logo packages for different budgets. All logos are delivered with the original Adobe Illustrator file and with different formats for different uses.
Social media covers also designed for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.
River Rose Growth & Healing – Collateral
Full Flight | Tombstone
Daigle Farms
Oak Down Creations
Willis Transportation
Gavia LifeCare Center
Transportation School
Honey Letters
Mulberry Research
Emmanuel Academic
S Lunn Custom Guitars
HubHealth Mississippi
City of Purvis
Jodell Onstott
Signature D Horses Logo
Yvonne St Gelais
Willie Neivus
Mary Erwin
Karen Mattuchio
JoAnn Donovan
Janet & George Mullen
Dwight Owens
Demetrius Powe
Debra Hussey
Bob Perkins
Bill Cress
Dan is a graduate of Central Connecticut State University with a major concentration in computer science and a minor in mathematics. He loves to hang out with friends, listen to hard-rock, exercise at the gym and read-up on emerging technologies.
Alyson Stasek has designed databases, marketing materials and websites for the past 25 years and brings a wide and diverse collection of experiences to the table! Understanding how a business works, and the challenges each small business owner faces on a daily basis is the key reason that you should choose Alyson to work on and manage your next website or marketing project.
As the Marketing Assistant and Video Editor at TLWDS, Charles works directly with clients on social media and marketing campaigns. This helps our clients to increase traffic to their websites, social media accounts and YouTube Channels.
Charles has an Associates Degree in Business Administration, and has worked in a variety of sales environments since graduating school as Valedictorian. Charles brings a unique and fresh view of online marketing that is much needed in today’s world!