It’s common for a website designer to be confused with a website developer. A developer uses coding languages to create the framework of a website. With the onset of code free development, the need for a developer to the average business owner is becoming less and less. Web designers are typically the person that a small to medium sized business would hire to design and build their website. A web developer would be only brought in by the designer if they needed some back-end work completed that they did not have the relevant programming skills for. We at the shop are designers! We bring the inspiration, the ideas, the concepts! We have the answers to your thoughts and ideas! We can guide your in the maze that has become online marketing! Call or text 601 439 0932 or email for your inspirational guide! #Codefreedevelopment #webdesigner #website #marketing #smallbusiness #mississippi #Mediumsizedbusiness #businessowner #entrepreneur


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